What is the Wealthy Affiliate Program? The Details You Need To Know

January 31, 2018 Jordan Meola 8 Comments

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read My Disclosure for more info.

A Review of my Wealthy Affiliate Experience

When I graduated from college, in the not-too-distant past, I job searched for months without being accepted.

It’s not an uncommon experience. There are many people, young and old, who struggle to find adequate employment. Instead of allowing myself to be weighed down by discouragement, I started looking online for more opportunities to make money.

If you’ve made even a basic search for ways to make money online, I’m sure you’ve found it exploding with ideas. It’s exciting! I found it to be almost like a coral reef. Colorful. Vibrant. Sometimes super inspirational! There are so many ways to start businesses, and earn income, simply from a laptop in your own home.

Unfortunately, also like a coral reef, there are a lot of “barracudas” lurking on the outer rims, and wispy anemones that will sting you if you pass too close.

In other words, just as there are a lot of amazing programs and opportunities that will help you start businesses, there are also many which turn out to be a waste of precious time, and sometimes money. There are some that are even scams.

I wish I could say I avoided all of these, and only used the good stuff, but this wasn’t always the case.


What is Wealthy Affiliate, and Why is it Different?

I was incredibly lucky that before I dove too deep into bad programs, or even GOOD programs that I couldn’t afford, I came across Wealthy Affiliate.

I say lucky, because I found it purely by accident while researching ways to make a living online.

For those of you who don’t know – the concept of affiliate marketing is basically this: you create a website or blog about something that you love, or are passionate about, and over time as more and more people start to visit your website, you can include links to relevant products on sites like Amazon, or Ebay. Every time someone clicks on your link, and then buys something, you get paid a commission.

It works something like this:


Now this isn’t quite as simple as it sounds. It takes a lot of learning, and a lot of strategies, to get a website that can generate income that will replace your day job.

That’s why it’s extremely important to invest wisely in a program that will teach you how to do it.

This is what Wealthy Affiliate specializes in. It’s essentially an online community, filled with enthusiastic mentors and fellow entrepreneurs, who will bend over backwards to support you in starting an online business.

I was really shocked by how active the support system is. Any question that I’ve ever had in getting my own business going was answered within an hour. Every problem that I’ve had was resolved.

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that will build your basic website for you. The teachers will show you how to set up the rest, and continue to get you more and more comfortable being independent. It has entire courses, like a college class, that will walk you through how to design your website for success.

It will teach you how to make money, and find lucrative strategies.

It hosts your website(s), and provides you with state-of-the-art databases that can advance you light years ahead of thousands of people struggling on their own to start businesses online.

I am intensely skeptical of things like this. I don’t trust them easily. The internet is very full of programs that will promise you will make millions, often with pictures of the teacher or mentor standing in front of a Lamborghini, or relaxing in the tropics. They aren’t necessarily scams, and it’s not that many of them don’t provide valuable education, but Wealthy Affiliate was the most straightforward and affordable that I’ve ever found…. you will have to work for your success. But if you trust the system, and consistently take action, you can make a reasonable income.

This truly helped me.

So Who Can Use Wealthy Affiliate?

The truth is that succeeding in your own business takes a lot of time and effort. Even with a support program that is holding your hand through a lot of the process, ultimately your drive and motivation are still at the heart of success.

Wealthy Affiliate, and affiliate marketing IS at least the easiest place to start if you’re willing to do what it takes to succeed. While starting a brick-and-mortar business could cost hundreds and even thousands per month for property, a storefront, taxes, insurance, inventory, regular maintenance bills, and everything else, you can start an online with business with hardly any capital at all!

It’s perfect for:

  1. If you are unemployed, or under-employed, looking to build a flow of income
  2. If you are looking to add a lucrative supplement to your existing income.
  3. College students, looking to find a side-gig that will pay better than campus jobs and has 100% flexible hours.
  4. A stay-at-home parent who wants to bring in a second income without having to leave home.
  5. A retiree, when social security or a pension aren’t enough to maintain your quality of life
  6. A business owner looking into the future of marketing, and seeking online attention.
  7. Bloggers, realizing the monetary potential they have already built.

And the list can go on. There are so many places in life where being able to start a side-business online can be life changing.

There are many people who have used Wealthy Affiliate to bring in an extra $200 or $300 a month to supplement a hobby. Others are making $5,000, $10,000, and even over $150,000 per month, completely replacing their 9-5 jobs.

Why Is the Outlook Strong for Affiliate Marketing?

These are the reasons affiliate marketing has become such a solid means of making money.

The number of people using the internet globally has risen to around 3.75 BILLION! That means even if you’re getting a small portion of that attention and directing it into the commerce, you can do incredibly well, and your market is almost limitless.

In fact, the amount of revenue generated through affiliate marketing has subsequently risen well into the billions.

There are millions of products to promote in almost any subject. I’m interested in skiing, for example. There are millions of skis and skiing accessories even just on Amazon that you can promote, and make money off of.

You may worry that you have to compete with giants like Amazon and Walmart. But you may be surprised that there are ENORMOUS numbers of people that would rather read an honest review about a product from someone like you, than they would like to go straight to Amazon and just hope the advertising is accurate.

Of Course, the Questions Are – What’s the Catch? How Do I Start? and Is There a Cost?

There isn’t really a catch! Which is something I was both surprised and relieved to find out when I started with Wealthy Affiliate. It’s pretty straightforward.

There is a starter membership that is 100% free! This includes 2 free websites that they will set up for you, and the entire beginner course on how to get your website set up. There’s also a lot of community support, back up, and 30 free searches of the keyword database.

Eventually, as you get comfortable with how it works, start to learn a lot, and become more advanced, it’s advisable to get a Premium membership. This will give you the full training on building your business, how to create a social media campaign, how to increase your profits exponentially, use an unlimited keyword database, and build up to 50 websites.

The Premium membership can be either $49/month, OR only $30/month if you get a yearly membership. There are no more upsells, or thousand dollar courses, as there are with most online programs.

You can still make money off of a free site! And if you’re not sure you want to commit to the effort of affiliate marketing, it may be wise to stick with the free membership for as long as possible, to decide yes or no about Premium later on.

You can sign up at the link below!


To Your Success!

Thanks for reading my speel about Wealthy Affiliate. I’m grateful that I came across it, and for the opportunities it brought me. And I’m excited to share about the process of making income online!

I’m especially passionate about the value of freedom that can be achieved through succeeding in something like this. The possibilities are endless!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know in the comments below. 🙂 I’ll be glad to help in any way that I can!





8 People reacted on this

  1. J, thank you for the informative blog on Wealthy Affiliates. Its good know there are still companies existing to help you build a solid business without selling you the get rich quick gimmick.
    I recently found WA as well and it is exactly as you described it: a system designed to help you build a website, develop an audience with similar interests, market to product sites, and in time, build an income. Thank you for the words of encouragement in endorsing a solid work opportunity.

    1. Thanks for commenting Christian!

      I’m glad you also found Wealthy Affiliate! There’s a really scary amount of stuff online that touches the emotions with promises of million dollar businesses practically running themselves.

      WA is realistic, but powerful. And with enough time and effort it’s proven to be financially worthwhile. 

      Good luck to you!

  2. Hi J

    Thanks for giving us the insight on what makes Wealthy Affiliate different and who can benefit from it.

    I have personally joined Wealthy Affiliate and have found it to be super newbie friendly where you get guided step by step – anyone can do it!

    And after a lot of research I still find that its the most value for money program out there!

    1. Hey, thanks for commenting!

      And same here! I discovered Wealthy Affiliate a while back, but still did lots of research into the different options to make sure I wasn’t missing anything, and that I was making an informed decision. 

      It actually made something that sounded impossible and daunting into a feasible reality. It’s simple, and even with the massive amount of content and teaching that it provides, it lays a clear path to success.

      Good luck!

  3. I believe that wealthy affiliate has a great training that can really get you to the place where you want to be. It is all a matter of following the training and the rest is history. The tools, the community, and the training is so awesome there are so many reasons to join this community that is making a big difference in the lives of so many people. I am glad that I made the choice to become a part of this community.

    1. I’m glad too Norman!

      It’s pretty amazing the opportunities that the internet in general has presented to us, to succeed, and create thriving businesses. Eventually, even to have more freedom of our time, and more control. 

      Wealthy Affiliate is one of the essential resources for reaching that success. 

  4. Thank you for this great piece of Information. Wealthy affiliate is really great for the people who want to start one legit home based online business. Its world class training program and the facilities are really awesome. I am also a premium member and I got to learn affiliate marketing techniques from WA and now I m making good and sustainable income.

    1. That’s AWESOME! Getting educated is the absolute best first step that you can take. Once you start applying the learning things start to fall into place, and after that all it takes is consistency. 

      The internet is a land of opportunity. I’m glad you found Wealthy Affiliate to boost your marketing knowledge.

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