Is The Dosh App A Scam Or Legit?

is the dosh app a scam or legit?
June 28, 2019 Jordan Meola 4 Comments

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Is the Dosh app a scam or legit?

You may have heard of the Dosh app online. It’s been spammed all over YouTube, and Facebook groups about saving money, especially in the last year or 2. When tons of people start posting about things that will make you money with 0 effort my scam radar starts to get nervous. People posted about how you could make money with the Dosh app while you eat, while you travel, and even while you sleep. It sounded a little too good to be true.

But I tried it anyway, because I have the curiosity of a cat. So is the Dosh app a scam or legit?

Is The Dosh App Worth The Download?

So, the good news is the Dosh app is definitely not a scam. They’re not trying to sell you something, or get you to download something that’s full of hidden fees. It’s also not one of those apps that promises that it’s totally passive, requiring no effort, and then forces you to give hours and hours of your time to stupid surveys, or advertising, to make pocket change. I HATE THAT STUFF!!

You CAN make money through Dosh, and it requires absolutely no effort at all. In fact, I often forget that it’s paying me until I remember to check it, or I get a random notification on my phone from the app.

But the Dosh app IS cracked up to be better paying than it is. Here’s why…

How Does The Dosh App Work?

Dosh is a cash back app. So when it says you can make money while you eat, travel, or sleep, what they mean is you’ll get cash back for the stuff you buy while doing those things. Dosh offers small percentages back, usually ranging from 2% to 10%, on purchases at a wide variety of things. Local restaurants, bars, a few chains (like Dunkin Donuts), home goods stores, hotels, clothing stores (like Old Navy), and even some airpline ticket sellers offer cash back through Dosh.

This is about the easiest way to get a little cash back in your pocket humanly possible. Simply link your debit or credit card to the app, and it will record every qualifying purchase for you, and drop you the money. If you buy everything with cash, gold nuggets, bags of jewels, or bartering chickens, this obviously won’t work out for you. But anyone who uses a card for purchases should have no trouble.

I know that some people are nervous about linking their credit card to something like an app. No one has ever been robbed by Dosh , but it ultimately comes down to your comfort level. If you don’t feel safe linking your card to Dosh, don’t do it.

When the amount of cash back you’ve landed reaches $25, you can get the cash sent to you through a money transfer (e.g. PayPal).

Will You Make A Lot Of Money With Dosh?

Well… the answer is basically not really. The amount of money you make with Dosh totally depends on how much you spend. Generally, Dosh is only paying out $0.35 sense on a Dunkin Donuts latte, or $5-$10 on a hotel room, so it takes its sweet time to add up.

Dosh may not pay much, but it IS worth the download in my opinion.

If you want to become a master at saving money, you should get cash back on every single purchase you can. I look for every cash back opportunity and savings program possible, and I save over $3,000 per year doing it! Use Dosh, use Ebates, use credit cards that have a cash back feature (I use Chase Freedom), use Swagbucks… all of these options will give you money back on things you’re buying anyway. It’s a great way to save!

If your ambition is to become a millionaire (and let’s face it, most of us at least wouldn’t mind), you’re going to need an additional side hustle to get you there. You’ve been warned.

The Dosh Referral Program

If you were wondering why people have spammed about Dosh so much on social media, here’s why. Unlike most other cash back apps of its kind, Dosh often offers very generous referral bonuses for referrals. They typically pay $5 per referral, but they often run promotional campaigns where they will pay $15 for every single one!

The new Dosh users that you refer don’t even need to make qualifying purchases for you to get your money. All you need is for them to link their card, and you get the cash.

The lucrative referral program is one of the main reasons Dosh is worth downloading and connecting to, and it’s something that gives it an edge over some of its competitors. It’s also one of the reasons I recommend you download it through MY LINK –> DOSH CASH BACK JOY!! <– (shameless plug).

So in conclusion… is the Dosh app a scam? No way. But it’s also not the big money maker that some internet swindlers will lead you to believe. It’s just a good addition to the layers of cash back that everyone needs.

For a few more details on how the Dosh app works, check out this review! And if you’re looking for a few more tips on money earning apps, or ways to save on household expenses, here are two posts you might find helpful:

The Best Money Earning Apps Available In 2019

How To Save Money On Household Expenses

So how about you? Do you plan on trying Dosh, or do you know some other good cash back apps to recommend? Share the love, and let me know in the comments below!

4 People reacted on this

  1. Honestly, this is an excellent review of the Fish app. One thing I am appreciative of concerning this app is that it is a legitimate one and as such, no fear of being scammed is involved in taking decisions concerning it. It also teaches savings habit especially for people like me who makes use of my cards for 85% of my transactions. This would definitely be a good catch for me to stack my money back. The referral program seems like a great way to make a little extra cash and it’s lucrative, I must confess. I will definitely look this app up. Thumbs up

    1. Hello!

      I’m glad you found it helpful! It’s always useful to get cash back wherever you can. The rewards on your credit card, loyalty programs, apps like Dosh or Drop… they all add up! 

  2. Thanks for your post and for taking your precious time to test the Dosh App for us. Even though the App sounds legit, I don’t think this is worthy the time for me to sign up for this program. I am working on my online business. There are thousands of profitable program to choose from.

    Instead of spending time on such program, I suggest that you try to build your own online business and make big money. There are so many nice program out there. You have no trouble to find your favorable online business.

    It is kind of you sharing this App with us. Although I am not interested in this, there are someone who are interested on saving money this way.

    1. Thanks Anthony!

      You make a great point. The Dosh app can be useful for small, day-to-day savings, but it’s not replacement for a business. There are tons of opportunities for starting up a business online, and making it successful. 

      What is the most lucrative opportunity that you’ve found? I’ve made money with both Shopify selling, and affiliate marketing, just to name a few. 

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