Traffic is one of the most important things to any blogger! If you want to have a successful blog, especially as an affiliate marketer, you need lots of traffic. The more traffic you can get, the more opportunities you have for conversions.
Obviously, that’s how you make money.
Maybe you’re wondering how to get more visitors on your blog. Even more importantly, how do you KEEP your visitors? It’s one thing to get clicks, and visitors, but it’s far BETTER to have repeat viewers.
So how do you get them?
1. The Elephant In The Room. Pinterest.
If you really want to explode your organic blog traffic, the best place to expand your reach is on Pinterest. There’s no social media platform that can drive free traffic to a blog quite like Pinterest.
It can be intimidating at first! There are a lot of other pins vying for people’s attention. Don’t let this scare you off! When I first started my blog’s Pinterest account, it took a couple months of trial and error, pinning to group boards, and pushing hard before I finally started getting views.
If you need some guidance on how to use Pinterest SEO to improve your
rankings check out this post ==> How To Use Pinterest SEO
If you need some tips on how to make more attractive, click-worthy pins,
take a look here! ==> How To Create Click-Worthy Pinterest Pins
The more you fill up Pinterest with colorful, attractive pins that entice viewers to your blog, the more visitors you’ll get. It took me a couple months of building, but now my Pinterest viewership has built some traction. There’s a screenshot of one of my recent pins. You can see that it’s already brought in 140 visitors to my site.
Many of my pins, like these, get over 10K impressions with a week or 2 of pinning them. These impressions inevitably lead to clicks.
Pinterest is free to use, and extremely easy to get free attention through. If you want to get more blog visitors, you need to build up a strong Pinterest presence, it’s as simple as that. Often, pins will be your blog’s first source of traffic, long before you have search rankings.
2. MiloTree. The Key To Keeping Visitors.
Pinterest may be the perfect tool for getting blog visitors, but MiloTree is the perfect tool for KEEPING them. MiloTree is a simple plugin that you can get on your blog, that creates an attractive pop up inviting your visitors to keep following you.
It can be designed to invite them to an email list, but it’s even BETTER for building your Pinterest, Facebook, and other social media followings. People may hesitate to sign their email over, worried that you’ll spam them, but following your blog on Pinterest or Facebook is a much smaller commitment. This makes it easy to amass a huge following, by retaining a lot of the people that visit your site.
Once you have this following on your blog’s social media, everything that you post will be seen by many of your previous visitors. If they visited your site, then they’re already interested in your topics, so you’ll now have the repeated attention of an already attentive audience.
This is why MiloTree is one of the most effective marketing plugins
3. SEO Always Matters!
Search Engine Optimization tends to take a long time to really sink in. Google has to grow to trust your website, before they start ranking your
blog posts in Google. That’s why you hear so much about the
importance of SEO.
It takes a lot of patience to wait for SEO to finally land you traffic. It takes a lot of patience. This is why you need to use Pinterest early on, to prove to Google that your posts are worthwhile and click-worthy. The more traffic you get on your site, the more Google will like you, and the more Google likes you, the more you’ll rank.
There are a lot of factors that contribute to an optimized, Google-friendly site, and the full extent would be worth a whole blog post in of itself. For now, make sure that you’re using these SEO best practices when you’re publishing posts. Here are a few significant things to keep in mind about your website’s structure:
–Â Your website should be using a mobile-friendly theme (which is
easy if you’re using a website builder like WordPress or Wix, because their templates generally come already mobile friendly).
–Â Your images should be optimized using a plugin like EWWW Image
Optimizer to keep them trim, fitted, and not slowing down your site.
–Â Your site should be running fast, without lagging. I recommend
investing in a good website host, like BlueHost, Kinsta, or Wealthy
Affiliate for this. Lagging sites annoy your visitors, and hurt your engine rankings.
–Â Your blog posts should ideally be over 1,000 words long, with good
spelling, grammar, and structure (use paragraphs with headings). Long form content tends to rank well, because it’s considered an authoritative resource.
–Â Use powerful keywords that have lots of searches, with a low
number of competing pages. These can be tough to find, which is why I use a keyword research tool called Jaaxy to find strong keywords. They’re one of the keys to your blog’s success, so truly invest in a reliable keyword search tool.
–Â Post Often! Don’t spam your followers, but keeping a consistent flow of content is very important. Hard work, but important. Try to blog at least once per week, and pin at least 3 times a day!
These are just a few of the factors that will lead to your website getting better search rankings. Check out this massive guide to SEO in 2019 for the full details – Search Engine Journal for 2019
4. Write Compelling Content
This probably seems obvious, but you really need to write content that will ENGAGE readers. Get them excited! If you’re writing about something that really interests you, or means a lot to you, it will show. You don’t need to be a mind-blowing, amazing writer. You just need to create engaging content that is helpful, and full of good ideas.
If there is an area of life where you have that kind of expertise, or passion, than write from the base point.
Writing content that is consistently worth reading, helpful, and creative is the best way to get readers coming back. This will truly help you establish your brand, establish your voice, and make you stand out.
5. Use Quora Like A Champ
This is one you have to be careful with. Quora is a giant Q&A website, where thousands of people ask questions, and thousands of other people answer them. This is basically like a smorgasbord, buffet dinner for affiliate marketing. You can directly target millions of viewers with your own links. The catch is just that Quora decides that you’re begin too spammy with your links, they’ll chop your answers off of the platform, and may even kick you out of the club.
So how do you find a way to sneak your links around Quora’s vigilant police force? Ultimately, it’s smart to try to insert only 1 link per answer. As long as your answers are thoughtful, legitimate, and not just a short, rushed mess, than Quora’s suspicions will be soothed.
Quora is a perfect place to promote your blog posts too. Quora is a resource for instant views. I answered just 2 or 3 questions on Quora in the beginning, and had a couple thousand views by the end of the week. It already has so much traffic, you just need to find your piece of the pie.
Beyond just getting some attention to your blog, it’s even easier to get a lot of referrals and affiliate clicks fast on Quora. Digital content that you produce within Quora will quickly be seen by hundreds of people. So you can directly drop your affiliate links right into your answers on Quora, and watch affiliate clicks roll in.
These are some of the best ways to get more visitors on your blog. Remember that they’re people! Not just cattle that you want to herd into your blog corral. If you treat your visitors with respect by creating
rich content, out of a desire to help them, and answer questions, you
will succeed. That’s the true purpose of a blog, right? In the purest
sense, a blog is about sharing helpful, and meaningful information.
Take some consistent action on these 5 things, and an increase in visitors will be inevitable. Good luck guys! I’m routing for you.
This is a great and simple to follow guide on how to get more traffic to my website. You laid it all out clearly and showed examples that helped emphasize your numerous points. This guide will be very useful for people like me.
I have been researching this form of traffic generating for some time now and I have seen some great reviews about all the listed sites including SEO.
You really have a good line of digital products. Internet marketing is changing everyday and we need coaches like you to help keep us up to date.
Hello! Thank you for your encouragement!
Yes, the landscape of internet marketing IS incredibly fast moving, and changes a ton. I have difficulty keeping up sometimes, but there are so many ways to learn.
I’m glad you found this helpful. 🙂
It’s one task to drive traffic to your blog or website, it’s another task to keep them as organic audience. This post will be very helpful in teaching online entrepreneurs about getting and keeping their target audience’s.
After reading your post, I will take action steps by signing up on milotree and taking advantage of their pop ups. I would also head to Quora and answer some questions relating to my niche.
Thanks for sharing, absolutely helpful.
Hey there! Thanks for commenting, I’m glad you found it helpful!
Yes, one of the most important things you can do as SOON as you start getting traffic is learning how to retain your visitors. New, fresh traffic is always great, but retaining visitors as followers is the best possible way to make high ticket sales. MiloTree is a really great plugin for WordPress blogs.
Quora is also awesome! You can use Quora to drop your blog links, but don’t be afraid to also just do some direct affiliate marketing through Quora. I get dozens of sign ups that way.
Good luck, my friend!
I’m really glad to read your article. It contains a powerful information on getting traffic and retaining it. I’ve heard about 4 of them, but never used any. Your article is my motivation to use them.
So far my website is 1 month old, I’m writing content regularly. I get to read your post at The very right time, I needed it now. Now looking forward to implement it. I have a question that, “I rarely find any of my friend using Pinterest, then how Pinterest is able to drive large traffic to our blog? “
Thanks a lot for sharing this article. Looking forward to more of such.
I’m glad you found it helpful!
Yes, Pinterest is one of the greatest resources for blog traffic. Even if you don’t have many friends that happen to use the platform, you don’t need followers or connections to get started on Pinterest and become successful. It takes a lot of pinning (at least 3 times per day), but you can grow Pinterest organically.
My Pinterest has grown to over 40,000 monthly viewers in just a few months, without paying for any traffic or clicks. People will start to follow you as you post more and more.
It was a very useful content. I once thought a about how I could generate free traffic to my website as I just started out so that I wouldn’t have to spend so much money on paid traffic to my website. I know it may not be easy at the beginning but one thing I know is that patience is the key.
Good point! Patience plays a huge part in success online. It takes a lot of consistent follow-through to succeed.
Hi Jordan, you are right. Traffic is the key and the most important factor when it comes to blogging and affiliate marketing. Writing great content or compelling content like you said, is a great way of getting traffic. Not only does it help in bringing visitors, such contents also make them to keep coming back for more great contents. Milo Tree is truly great for keeping ones visitors, although it can be annoying atimes to the visitor if the pop up window is a little bit large.
Hello! Yes, great points! The quality of your content, and the effort you put into really communicating clearly is the most important of all. The more helpful and innovative you can be, the better.
I also agree, giant pop ups that interrupt reading can actually be a huge turn off to blog visitors. Luckily, MiloTree can be customized to be much more subtle, if you want it to be. It can simply be to the side, or positioned where it’s obvious, but not in the way of the reading. I always get annoyed at those giant pop ups too.
I absolutely love this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and intriguing to me.keeping visitors to your blog is very important and also looking for ways to get more visitors. This article said it all. Good content, correct spelling and a friendly theme is much okay to keep visitors stay on your blog. This article should be read and digest by all affiliates marketer and every blog owner. Thanks for this insight.
Hey there! Thanks for commenting, I’m so glad you found it helpful!
The gains attached with blogging is enormous if and only if newbies can withstand the time, This is a concise and thorough article and I appreciate the fact that you put this together for your blog readers. I have tried pininterest and they deliver greatly; I believe our content also matters alot and send traffic to our blog. Thanks for this eye opener, This is what some profeasional bloggers woll love to keep to themselves but I am happy I found your blog today.
Hello! So glad you found it helpful :).
You make a great point, too. Succeeding in blogging is so much about standing the test of time. Of course you’ll need to have quality content, and helpful advice, but it will always take time, patience, and persistence to actually succeed.
Thanks for stopping by!
Dear Jordan,
Thanks for the Great inspiring post! This has to be motivating, not only for me but also for many other bloggers. Being a blogger this post means a lot to me and at the moment I am struggling in getting traffic to my blog. I got helpful insights from your post.
After reading your post I realized the mistakes I am making at the moment. I am not using Pinterest or any social media and not using Quora. So going to be active in the social media and gonna provide answers to quora.
Milotree is an eye-opener and sounds like an awesome plugin. Indeed you are correct visitors hesitate to provide their email but they will be more comfortable in following us on our social media accounts.
Currently I am just focusing on the organic traffic but as you said I am not posting frequently need to do that.
Much Success!
Hey there!
Yes, social media traffic is extremely important! It’s essential. SEO and Google rankings are the most powerful and most sustainable traffic source for a blog, but if you have a new blog you absolutely need to start on Pinterest and Quora. Those are the only places your blog will be found at first. Pinterest traffic is very volatile, but it’s worth the effort.
MiloTree is great! Email lists are important, but I’ll be honest, they’ve never been my strong suit. Having a large Pinterest following and Facebook audience is an easy resource to acquire if you’re creating quality content.
Good luck, my friend!
This is a very extensive piece on how to get traffic and maintain it..
The post is good, very informative. I read every bit of the outlines and it was quite enlightening. The article was thorough. I just started blogging few months ago and I’m sure following your guides with dedication, consistency and hardwork I will get there. Thanks for sharing.
Hey! I’m glad you found it helpful! There’s always a ton of stuff to learn :).
I cannot agree with you less concerning the information you have provided on this post on how to get more site visitors and keeping them. Getting visitors is not only enough bit keeping them would lead to more loyalist and site engagers. But the best ways to go about maintaining their interest are the tips you have shared up here. I found it rather informative and exciting at the same time to have a come across this information. Getting a friendly theme, better site speed, easier maneuvering through the site and correct spelling would help to sustain interest of the site readers. Thanks for sharing
I’m glad you found it helpful! Yes, the ultimate way to succeed with a blog now is really to give your readers the best possible experience. Ease of use, aesthetic appeal, helpful information – that’s really the key. Once you have that content, all you really need to do is spread the word (which is where Pinterest comes in).
The mastery or even know how on applying the following suggestions are the critical point in getting results of more traffic, for example, the use of Pinterest is compelling and the Milo tree. But I should know where and when to apply them in my blog. A great Content I believe is a must SEO is a must for me and learning to get more hits through SEO using Jaaxy is also a must.
This blog has very useful content. I once thought about how I could generate free traffic to my website as I just started out so that I wouldn’t have to spend so much money on paid traffic to my website. I know it may not be easy at the beginning but one thing I know is that patience is the key. And the careful use of Quora. In the end, all of what is discussed here are excellent. It is great to know the warning and caution for each of the given apps as admonished by the blogger. Great information and advice.
Thanks! I’m glad you found it useful.
Yes, the quality of your website’s SEO, and the helpfulness of your content is really what matters the most. Even having MiloTree, or a lot of Pinterest views, will not help your blog succeed if your blog’s content is not good quality. You make a good point, that it’s important to prioritize correctly.
Reading your post, i felt somewhat relieved that Word Press, Jaaxy, a mobile friendly website through Wealthy Affiliate has got me covered on some pre requisites. But I’m just halfway there. I have my Pinterest account but haven’t used it for posting or linking a website. This is also the reason why I’m interested in MiloTree plug-in because I want to know how to incorporate it so it can fully optimize my website using social media such as Facebook and Pinterest.
Quora also got my attention. I have no idea how this platform can give so much potential in your online business. These tips really encouraged me to get busy for this week and try all the things I learned from you. Getting traffic and ranking in Search engines are few of an affiliates goal to monetize. Thank you for taking time to share your expertise on this matter.
I’m so glad you found it helpful!
The combination of Pinterest and MiloTree is awesome way of building a following. The more you can keep your traffic the better. My Pinterest currently gets about 55,000 viewers per month, and the more I can retain them the more my website’s content is seen.
Quora actually surprised me too! I had not heard much about it as a marketing opportunity, so I just experimented with it. I ended up getting a lot of traffic to my affiliate links through it, and even made sales within a couple weeks! One thing to keep in mind though – Quora does not want your posts to be stuffed with affiliate links, with very little additional content. You’ll need to write long, thorough answers on it, with only 1 or 2 affiliate links at the most. Otherwise they may penalize your answer as spam.
Hello Jordan. This is an excellent article. To be honest, one of the biggest challenges I face as a new affiliate is keeping visitors on my website. Thank you for addressing this issue in this article. From now on I will use milotree to keep visitors to my website. Wishing you all the best.
Thank you Baraka. I wish you success!